Monday, May 16, 2011

Final Project Video


Cesarini, L., & Cesarini, P. (n.d.). From Jefferson to Metallica to your campus: copyright issues
in student peer-to-peer file sharing. Journal of Technology Studies, p. 45-54. Retrieved
from the ERIC database.

Kuzu, A. (April 2009). Problems related to computer ethics: origins of the problems and
suggested solutions. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 8(2), p. 1-
20. Retrieved from the ERIC database.

McGrail, E. & McGrail, J.P. (2010). Copying right and copying wrong with web 2.0 tools in the
teacher education and communications classrooms. Contemporary Issues in Technology
and Teacher Education, 10(3), 257-274. Retrieved from the ERIC database.

McGrail, P & McGrail, E.  (2009). What’s wrong with copyright: educator strategies for dealing
with analog copyright law in a digital world.  Innovate, 5(3), p.1-6. Retrieved from the
ERIC database.

Nelson, E. (2009). Copyright and distance education: the impact of the technology, education,
and copyright harmonization act. AACEJ, 17(2), p. 83-101. Retrieved from the ERIC

Veltsos, J. & Veltsos, C. (2011). Teaching responsibly with technology-mediated
communication. Business Communication Quarterly, 73(4), p. 463-467. Retrieved from
the ERIC database.


  1. Good Morning Jason,
    Glad to see you. Hope all is better after the storms.
    I watched your video. My first set of comments, because of time.
    I liked... your historical account of the development of copyright. You current cases that directly impact copyright today.
    You introduced your speaker and the beginning and the end of the video.
    Thank you,

  2. Hi Jason,
    I am glad that you made it through the storm. I learned a lot from your video about the history of copy right laws. I think your video covered the content well and it provided an introduction to the keynote speaker. Overall, I think that you did a good job.

  3. Jason!
    Way to go on the video- The way you weathered the storm and blogged your video on time was stellar. Your video was on point with copyright, I like the way your camera zoomed in on the dictionary that was a good idea. The classroom you recorded, was that your school? The separations with each topic you spoke upon was excellently timed. How many takes did you have to use to get them just right? The napster shots were amazing, one of my students asked me why I purchase songs on iTunes instead of downloading them for free, I was like thats violation of copyright. :-) Have a good one.

  4. Hi Sherri,

    You really picked a topic so fitting with our program of studies! You did a great job summing up the benefits of using technology to bring a lot of resources to the learner (echoed very much of Siemens’ idea of curating instruction) and the competencies of the 21st century learner.

    Excellent biography and introduction to your guest speaker!


  5. Jason,

    Aside from choosing to introduce one of my personal favorite’s, David Warlick, your demonstration of real and recent cases associated with copyright was a nice addition to your presentation.

    The “Sony” video section was not really that clear, but after your explanation of how you obtained your video clips, I am quite impressed at what you accomplished here.


  6. Hello Jason I really learned a lot about copyright from your video and enjoyed the way you were able to hold your viewers attention by including a variety of visual techniques. Excellent

  7. Thank you all for the comments. Most of the video clips used fell under fair use for content from the Internet unless they were those of my own creation. I used Windows Movie Maker for the creation of the video which allows for transitions to be set as long or as short as you would like them. I wish I could have added the dialog box at the bottom though for better clarification of points in the topic but could not figure out how to overlay text.


